Are you tired of feeling stiff, broken, tired, bloated, fatigued and wearing the same old clothes because you don’t want to buy a bigger size?

If you’re like my other clients that were trying to work out more and eat less to improve their health and weren’t seeing results. Then it’s time to book a discovery session to uncover the truth about what aspect of your health may be holding you back, so you look & feel your best today.

How I Help You 


Transform Your Body With Alluring Muscle

Unlock the Key to Weight Loss and Unshakable Confidence. Did you realize that each pound of carefully chiseled muscle supercharges your metabolism? Our mission is to guide you towards your desired transformation through a variety of targeted workouts!


I Make You Lose Unwanted Weight
Look, we all want to be a healthy weight right?
For health reasons, for confidence, and for feeling amazing naked. It’s Your Natural Desire to Be Lean and Confident! I can make that happen for you. Together we will identify your perfect weight and we will get you there!


Unlock Your Timeless Beauty

Embrace Confidence and elevate your natural beauty and self-assurance. Picture yourself glowing, empowered, and confident.

Join us on this empowering journey, revitalizing your appearance, unlocking your radiance – your timeless beauty awaits!


Discover and live your best life

Wellness Beyond Weight Loss

Discover your best life with us.

We’re here to help you go beyond just losing weight. Our holistic approach empowers you to lead a healthier lifestyle, boosting your overall well-being. It’s your pathway to both looking and feeling your absolute best, every single day.

My Commitment To You!

Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve felt confident in your clothes & your body, or had the energy & motivation to do the things for you at the end of a long day.

If you’re ready to commit to making simple changes consistently so you can look & feel your best, I am committed to giving you the tools you need to get there that work with your lifestyle and individual biochemistry & hormones.

I’ll take the confusion out of what should be eating and when, what types of movements you should be doing & why, and what other health factors you need to consider when it comes to working with your body and being your best self.

Use these 4 Steps to get started

Step 1

Take your free Assessment to uncover the x-factors that are keeping you from seeing results, losing weight, feeling good, and making steady measurable progress.

Step 2

Book your discovery session with Diane Singleton

Step 3

Join the hundreds of women and men over 25 who are dropping weight like crazy, adding sexy sculpted muscle, and feeling amazing using our Transformation System.

Step 4

We have an amazing selection of classes,Check out our classes today!

Are you ready to finally get in shape, drop a clothes size, check out our amazing BE SLIM Fat loss program.

Unleash Your Potential: Be Your Best Self Weekly Newsletter

Weekly cutting-edge tips to ignite your transformation! Unlock exclusive weekly hacks for incredible fitness breakthroughs and elevated well-being delivered to your inbox!

Maximize your Results – Ignite Your Transformation – Live your best life

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